Every year many Americans make New Year’s resolutions, set goals, and plan budgets to handle expenses big and small. If you’re not making an annual skin exam part of your routine each year, you may be putting your skin, health, and even bottom line at risk. Here’s what you need to know about an annual skin exam and how to make a plan to fit your skin (and your budget):
What is an Annual Skin Exam?
An annual skin exam is an opportunity for a Dermatologist to examine your skin, identify concerns, look at moles to evaluate changes, and check out any rashes. You can also speak with your Provider if you want to consider any medical or cosmetic treatments to help with skin issues.
“It’s a pretty low-key affair,” Bruce Fuller, MD with Skin Cancer & Dermatology Institute, explains. “The Provider looks at the patient’s skin from the top of their head to their toes, usually while chatting with the patient on what’s been happening with the patient and their family. We make sure to make it a very relaxed experience.”
If you have any concerns or have noticed moles that changed in size or color, mention that to your Skin Care Provider so they can pay special attention to those areas.
Also, if you’re at higher risk for skin cancer, you may even want to get skin exams more often than annually.
You can use the start of a new year or even your birthday to keep up with your schedule for a skin care exam. Just make sure you’re doing one! Take care of your skin every day, all year long by using skin care products recommended by the experts and always wearing sunscreen.
Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Annual Skin Exam
Fuller also shares, “Melanoma is a serious type of skin cancer and is often in an area where you can’t see it, such as on the back, or the backs of one’s arms or legs.”
“If left in place, melanomas can become life-threatening before you are aware they are even there. The strongest argument for an annual skin exam is to nip skin cancers in the bud before they become problematic, or life-threatening,” Fuller adds.
Fuller also notes that at least half of the melanomas he’s found in patients were discovered during an annual skin exam. They were lesions that the patients had no idea were there. He’s also found many easily curable, nuisance rashes that the patient thought they were just stuck with and fixed them up within days.
Where to Get Your Annual Skin Exam
Visit your local Nevada Dermatologists to schedule your annual skin exam. You can make an appointment at one of the Skin Cancer & Dermatology Institute locations to get your skin exam scheduled or to make an appointment to speak with an expert about what cosmetic treatments might be best for you.